Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Family Vacation

Last week was our first family vacation with the baby. He did surprisingly well on the plane and all of the family back home was ecstatic to meet him for the first time. Not going to lie, but for the first time in a while I was feeling homesick. I truly miss being in California. I don't know if it was the beach, the family, or the food... but apart of me was actually considering moving back... and then I thought "I would totally regret that decision!" haha. Going home is different now that I have a baby. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing Ellis with his family, so much love. I want so badly for all of them to be apart of his life, but I know that I am making the right decision by keeping my family up here in Portland, at least for a little while longer :) Visits back home will be a lot more sweeter now that we have Ellis to take with us.

2 months later

Ellis Nikson, the light of my life.

I'm a MOM!

It's been a while, 11 weeks to be exact. With the craziness of motherhood, I haven't found the time to post anything. Where should I start?! The day after my last post (the one about my growing impatience with meeting my son), I went into labor. TWO days after that post I gave birth two a beautiful perfect child. I can't imagine my life without him. Its hard to believe that the child that I am staring at right now was that squirmy little thing in my belly.


On November 6th as I sat on the couch watching the results of the election, I began to feel some intense cramping. The night before I was so eager and had tons of unusual energy, I walked up and down our marina ramp a million times trying to make myself go into labor haha. Anyways, as Jordan and I sat there on the couch, timing contractions I knew that this must be it. 2 hours in I decided to call Labor and Delivery. My contractions were 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long, and had been consistent for an 1 hour. 5-1-1, you know its go time. The nurse on the phone said it sounded like I was in labor so to come in and be checked just in case. Jordan, my grams, and I packed up all our stuff and headed to the car. It was pouring ran, Jordan was trying to get to our hospital as fast as he could even though I insisted the pain wasn't even that bad (at that point it was still a breeze). Let's just say we got to the hospital just in time because as soon as they put me in the triage room my water broke. IT WAS GO TIME!

Now I chose an all natural birth plan and was extremely grateful for the super supportive Labor and Delivery staff. From the time we got to the hospital to the time that the baby was here,  it took a total of 8 hours. In that 8 hours was the worse pain of my life, but according to everyone who was with me (hospital staff, Jordan, and my grandmother) I was extremely calm. Not going to lie, it was not easy. I was meditating, focusing on my breathing, leaning on Jordan and my grandmother for support through the whole thing. I may have been calm on the outside but in my head I was thinking "GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!" The worst part wasn't until the pushing. After 8 hours I was only 7 cm. dilated. I felt so defeated, could I really last a few more hours? 45 minutes later I felt the urge to push and was apparently fully dilated. Now here is something that didn't even dawn on me, you chose the all natural route... you're going to feel EVERYTHING, but after 15 min of pushing there was my baby! All that pain, those 8 hours of intense contractions didn't mean anything to me once they placed that baby on my chest. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. At that moment I felt complete, I had a wonderful man by my side who had given me this beautiful gift, and I had a perfect baby on my chest. This was my whole world.