Thursday, October 4, 2012

Labor Playlist?

So it has been a busy week for me, between all the doctors appointments, birthing classes, hospital tour, and visit from the president of Gap at work. I haven't had much time to rest. Last night I started to feel some major cramping, but I thought it wasn't bad enough to be contractions, maybe just mild ones. I took them as braxton hicks contractions and just laid on my side and drank glasses of water just like the "pre labor" video says to do. I didn't want to freak out about them because I knew Jordan would freak too and the last thing we needed was two of us freaking out over nothing. I might be working myself a little too hard, not giving myself enough time to rest.  I would love nothing more than to be at home everyday resting, unfortunately there is too much to do. With just a little over month left of pregnancy, I finally put in my two weeks at the Gap. Although I am cutting it close to my due date, I start a new job next week at Motherhood. Motherhood is great though and said they won't over work me and I am free to leave when I feel like I need to. I am going to try to get as much training done as I can so I won't feel out of it when I come back to work with them in January. Its just to perfect of an opportunity to pass up.

We started our birthing classes last Monday, and I have to be honest I was kind of skeptical about taking them. A lot of people were telling me that they weren't really necessary but it was something that our midwife was really encouraging us to do. I opted into taking them only because I am terrified about giving birth... well at least I was. Everyone is telling me not to worry, my body knows what to do and will take over. BUT HOW??! How does my body know what to do? What will my body do? What if it doesn't? These are things I am learning in the class, not to mention its kind of nice to be around other pregnant couples. None of my friends really know what I am going through and its nice to know other people who are going through the same stuff and it was a relief to know that all the other pregnant ladies have the same fears that I do.Two of the couples in our class were also at our hospital tour the next night. I am really excited about our hospital choice even though the hospital is 40 minutes away from our house. That worries me a little. There is a closer hospital but its a high risk hospital and I have heard a lot of negative things about it. For one, I would like to give birth naturally, well at least I am hoping too. No inducing, no pain medication, just pure meditation and relaxation. Letting my body do what is supposed to do. The other hospital, being a high risk hospital, is very "in and out", I feel like they would rush the whole thing. And they have a hire percentage of emergency C-sections.

Sunnyside Hospital is the one for us. They have midwifes on staff around the clock and encourage natural birth. There are jacuzzi tubs in the delivery rooms to help with the contractions. They offer all sorts of things to help you relax during labor. After the baby is born they encourage skin on skin contact for the first hour so you get that time to bond with the baby. That is very important to me, I fear that something will go wrong and that I won't be able to bond with him like I should. They also offer a lot of support with breast feeding, something I also plan on doing during the first our the baby is here. I feel like I will be very comfortable at this hospital, and that will help the labor go along much smoother.

Our birthing class instructor as well as the hospital encouraged us to make a playlist for during labor. A playlist? Really? Now I am a playlist queen and make a playlist for just about everything but I never considered making one for labor. What kind of music do you put on a labor playlist? To be honest I don't think you will really know how you feel or what you want to listen to until you're going through it, but I tried to put one together anyways. I am going for a more "relaxed/zen" feel. At least I think that's how I will want to feel during the whole thing. Although, I did google some "labor playlist" that other mothers had posted and there is definitely a variety. Some went for the "pumped up" kind of music, others went for the whole "birth and motherhood themed" music.

So here is what I have so far, its music that relaxes me. I think I might put together a "pumped up" one too just in case I need the motivation.

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