Friday, October 19, 2012

Kruger's Farm

There is nothing like a perfect fall day spent at a pumpkin patch. Today Jordan and I headed over to Sauvi's Island to get some fruit for smoothies, but were greeted by a fall wonderland. Children were running around with giant pumpkins in their hands, there were hay rides, roasted corn, caramel apples, and a corn maze. It is days like this that make me truly love living in Oregon, when you look up at the woodsy hills and see nothing but a blanket of colorful trees. When the sky is blue but the air is crisp. Fall is BY FAR my favorite season. It made me warm inside to see all the excited children, made me even more excited to think that next year I will have a little one of my own. Granted he will still be too small to carry a pumpkin, but I was definitely seeing some photo opts.

Kruger's Farm was a great way to end the day, a day that started with back to back drs. appts. I can't believe how close it is to my due date. Today they were discussing having to induce me at 40 weeks, which would be my due date, but they are concerned that my placenta will stop working and that Ellis isn't growing anymore. He is a healthy size though if that were the case, he's just a small baby, which makes sense considering Jordan and I are small people. I also have to have a stress test once a week to moniter the babies heart and my contractions. Everything is looking good, I just have to lay there with a huge belt around my tummy for half an hour. I am feeling so ready for this baby to be here. I am trying to wait patiently just because I want my mother to be here for the delivery. I don't know how long I can wait. I am miserably fat and I just want this baby in my arms already!

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