Sunday, September 30, 2012

So Many Emotions

There is a show on TLC about this lady who can communicate with the dead. It's called Long Island Medium, and the lady is a mix between John Edward and Snooki. I only caught the last 5 minutes, but as soon as the show ended I was in tears. She was speaking to this lady who's father had passed away right before her grandson was born. She told the lady that her father was telling her that he got to hold her grandson before he passed into the after world.... AND I LOST IT. 

My grandfather passed away about three months ago when I was five months pregnant. It was honestly the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. Two years ago I moved to Portland and lived with my grandparents. Although school was a huge reason for me wanting to move, the main reason was to be able to be here and help my grandparents out, especially since my grandfathers cancer was getting worst and I couldn't bare the thought of my grams having to face it alone. My gramps had been battling cancer for years now and I never really knew how it effected him until I moved in with them. I knew he had his bad days and there were a lot of nights spent in the hospital with him. He was mostly bed ridden and I we would all do our best to make him feel comfortable. 

Every morning I would walk up to their room and jump on the big giant bed he was on and say good morning. Every time I came home the first thing I would do was jump on that bed and give him a big hug. I was so nervous to tell him that I was pregnant. I wasn't sure how he would feel about it. My sister and I were his babies, and since we moved in with them, I knew it was interesting for him to see how much we were becoming women. I knew I was pregnant for a couple of months before I finally worked up the nerve to tell him. I went into his room, jumped up on the bed next to him like I always did and told him I had some exciting news. As soon as I said the words I could see the worry in his face. After I explained to him how excited Jordan and I were about it, the worry left and was replaced with a huge smile. He was going to be a great grandpa for the first time and couldn't be more excited. The farther into my pregnancy the worst his health got. He would tell me how he hoped that he would at least make it to be able to hold his first great grandchild. That broke me heart. I didn't want to accept the fact that my grandfather wouldn't be here to meet my child. 

My gramps didn't make it, but after watching that show there is now a part of me that believes that he still got to hold his great grandchild. In fact, that lucky guy got to see him before all of us! My son will now be named Ellis, after his great grandfather who loved him so much before even meeting him, and although Ellis will never get to meet his great grandfather that he was named after, he will most definitely know how much of an amazing person he was and how much of an honor it is to be named after someone so amazing and special. 

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